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Rhode Island Heat Treating & Black Oxide Services
Heat Treating of all metals all steels tool steel aluminum beryllium bronze & copper |
Our Services
Quality Heat Treating Solutions and metallurgical processes
We provide Heat Treating of all metals, including all steels, tool steel, aluminum, beryllium, bronze and copper.
Atmosphere Brazing & Vacuum Heat Brazing

Rhode Island Heat Treating & Black Oxide can provide atmosphere batch brazing in a low temperature application i.e. under 1250F.
Surface Enhancement

Rhode Island Heat Treating & Black Oxide hardens all types of tool steels including high strength steels (Ph Steel) and 400 series stainless steels.
Vacuum Oil/Gas Quench

Vacuum Oil/Gas Quench Our vacuum department includes twofurnaces with a range of capability second to none in the Northeast. We have an ultimate vacuum capability of 10-5 torr.
Heat Treating Specialties

Heat Treating Specialties Annealing, The purpose for this treatment is to remove stresses or soften the material for improved match inability or formability, alter the physical or mechanical properties or produce a defined structure.
Want to talk with us?
Vacuum Heat Treating, Five-Bar Quench, Annealing, Stress Relieving, Hardening-Tempering, Flame Treating, Case Hardening, Induction Hardening, Precipitation Hardening, Gas Nitrating, Gas Carbonizing, Carbonitriding, Carbon Restoration, Aluminum oxide, Black Oxide, Vapor Honing, Cyrogenic Processing, Pack Hardening, Straightening, Glass Bead, Passivation.

All Steels, Low Carbon Steel, Alloy Steel, Spring Steel, High Speed, All CPM Steel, Stainless Steel, Tool Steel, Aluminum & Bronze, Berllium-Copper, Cast iron